Culture and History

L’Andria and Toffol

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Hamlets in Selva di Cadore in Val Fiorentina - L’Andria and Toffol

The village of L’Andria was one of the first stable settlements in all Val Fiorentina and this was due to two reasons: the excellent position in terms of sunlight and an abundance of water. The Loschiesuoi stream which descends just after the village of Toffol brought large quantities of water throughout the year.

Watermills, forges and sawmills were located all along this stream. Some of these ancient structures, however, were swept away by a landslide in 1,917 and a flood in 1,966.


Along the route that winds through villages that make up the Vila di L’Andria, many buildings are still visible and well preserved which characterised the life of mountain people until the end of the 1960s.

It is possible to admire ancient Ladin style houses and haybarns, the faer for drying broad beans, the travai for shoeing livestock and two small churches one dedicated to the Madonna of the Snow and the other to St. Oswald.

Along the Loschiesuoi stream visitors can admire a restored watermill that is still in working order, a lime deposit and a ciaucera, the kiln where stones to make lime were once cooked.  Also, typical BARCONELE shaped window openings can be admired on the buildings.

The cultural route brochure: villages-toffol-andria-selva-cadore is available at the Tourist Office in Selva di Cadore.

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